Barking up the wrong tree

The life and thoughts of the guy who remembers all the wrong things.

Location: Clemson, South Carolina, United States

I recently graduated from Clemson University with a degree in Civil Engineering. This job market has kept me unemployed so far. I'm a former Marine and a combat veteran. I read a ridiculously large number of webcomics, though I like printed books too. And if you know any good Korean-specific racial slurs, please let me know.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Woah Boy

Well, I done did it. I've got myself signed up for 13 hours of courses and I expect to have that number up to 16 before my first class starts. That should be an interesting workload. What's worse, I am planning to go to work for a local convenience store part time. Even less time for me to do things not regulated by someone else. That will become the largest amount of regular work since I left the Corps, and truthfully that will surpass most months with the Corps. I doubt it will be as strenuous, though they try to make that up with higher stress levels. I guess I need to do two things to not get stressed by something less than a life or death threat. First, I need to stop procrastinating and start working on things as soon as I can, including making myself sit down and write things long before the due date. Second, I need to plan my time. Two games to run, two or three to play in, 16 hours of classes, unknown hours of job and unknowable hours of homework. Per week. Good thing there are 168 hours in a week. I use 16 for class and lab (well, 18 with that 3 hour lab), and a conservative 32 for homework and that's 50 hours. If I figure 3 or 4 hours per session then that's 12 hours as a player and 12 as GM. 74 hours so far. 8 hours of sleep means 56 hours per week. That's 130 hours. We'll be conservative and say I get about 24 hours of work during the week (three days of 8 hour shifts). 154 hours now spent on school, work and RPing. That leaves 14 hours per week for me and my other stuff. That's 2 hours a day for me. I often spend that much just checking all my webcomics. Still I can handle that, I think. Well, the proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. We shall see how it all unfolds.