Barking up the wrong tree

The life and thoughts of the guy who remembers all the wrong things.

Location: Clemson, South Carolina, United States

I recently graduated from Clemson University with a degree in Civil Engineering. This job market has kept me unemployed so far. I'm a former Marine and a combat veteran. I read a ridiculously large number of webcomics, though I like printed books too. And if you know any good Korean-specific racial slurs, please let me know.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Life is Weird

So, I've been kind of busy. Engineering programs often have that result, I've been told.

Anyway, I find myself at my computer and unwilling to do the other things I either could or should be doing right now, so instead I shall update this thing.

I think I'm sick. Scratch that, I know I'm sick and I think I may have caught the influenza. Which is highly annoying. I ran into a friend on campus yesterday and she told me that 1) she was recovering from a big sick and 2) it had been the flu. I woke up with a runny nose and scratchy throat. Not only have I not improved but now I'm beginning to feel a headache coming on. So it likely is the influenza and I'm going to have to cancel my IH game tomorrow. Which really sucks as we are finally deviating from the excellent Dark Harbor module to run something I cooked up based upon a character background.

The modern game is in a kind of limbo. We only seem to play every other week or so. Someone is working or busy with something else or what-not. It's still a fun game and I look forward to running it, a lot, but the increase in real world time keeps tempting me to shorten my stories to the point where they are less than they should be. This is especially tempting since we're now embroiled in a story arc that I've been wanting to run for over a year.
As I said, it gets frustrating sometimes. Still, I'm having fun and so are my players, so it's worth it.

I've been working on lots of houserules in my spare time (found here) for various systems. Iron Heroes, d20 Modern, an odd blending of the two, World of Darkness and even some Star Wars rules based upon the excellent True20 system. We'll see how it all goes.

I mentioned a project a while back to create a new d20 magic system. I have realized that a) I never reported back on it and b) it was flawed from the get-go. The problem with d20 magic goes beyond the spell slot system and to the spells themselves. They are both too limited and too powerful. Each spell is limited to very specific, immutable options that are only useful in a couple of situations; conversely, the spell effects are insanely powerful, allowing characters no more than two thirds of the way through their growth to wield powers only appropriate for deities. As such I dropped that enterprise, though I still have the notes lying about if anyone is interested in them.
I've found myself utilizing Green Ronin's True Sorcery for my IH player-mages. Or rather, I would if anyone wanted to play a caster at this time. Though my newest player seems very interested in it for his back-up character. We shall see.

That's all for now. I'm going to finish a book and get some sleep. Hopefully this will burn itself out by midday tomorrow.