Barking up the wrong tree

The life and thoughts of the guy who remembers all the wrong things.

Location: Clemson, South Carolina, United States

I recently graduated from Clemson University with a degree in Civil Engineering. This job market has kept me unemployed so far. I'm a former Marine and a combat veteran. I read a ridiculously large number of webcomics, though I like printed books too. And if you know any good Korean-specific racial slurs, please let me know.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Yesterday was an odd day. It started off alright, chilly but otherwise fine. Later, the day became tedious but otherwise fine as I moved through the events of the day. Last night I decided to hate the day as a previous issue, thought dealt with, rose up to require some more work. This left me in a foul mood, which made me unpleasant to be around. I worried everyone I came in contact with, too. And yet, when I woke up today I was okay with it. I saw a pile of stuff that needed doing and I've gotten most of it done. If I hurry up I can get everything done today and today will have been a fairly good day. Strange how these things work. I do wish I was less brittle sometimes.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Go here

I read a lot of web comics regularly. A whole lot of web comics. One of my favorites is a sickeningly sweet gag-a-day about a little girl, her mother, and an imaginary sheep. It is refreshing, amusing and insightful and the author recently put out the call for new readers. I realize that most of the folk that check this are already aware of the comic but for those random wanderers I shall mention it.
You should read it. At worst you'll get a couple of chuckles and forget about it. At best you'll find something that reminds you of the wonder and joy of your childhood, by letting you recapture those feelings.

Saturday, January 14, 2006



Which Firefly (or Serenity) Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not what I would have picked for myself but it seems to fit.
I'm all registered up and going to classes. It looks like it's going to be a tough but rewarding semester.
I have a new kitten named Paris. He is cute, skittish and likes to attack that pesky orange thing following him around. I'm waiting for the time he finally recognizes it as his tail. I'm a bad, bad man.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Curve Balls

Life throws us curve balls from time to time. I have been generally fortunate in that I've had very few curve balls come at me. Whether this was because of me, God, or luck I don't know but all things change. Very recently I received a couple of big curve balls. One was a calling and the other is not mine to air, or not mine alone.

I recently felt called to the service of God. I'm not sure what that will mean or where it will lead me but that seems to be my calling. I hope I have the strength, wisdom and fortune to do well on that path. I only know that I shall need those people who matter in my life more now than ever before, the living, the dead, the old and the new. Some give me strength and comfort from their memory and others grant it to me from their presence. All have loved me for who I am and that is a blessing beyond price. Hopefully who I become is someone they can continue to love but even if it's not I always have the memory of that love and that is a source of strength that can carry me through a great deal.